John Chaffee
(MDiv, ThM)

Ever heard of a Pastoral Theologian?

Well, pastors help people in their faith journeys and theologians are people that think and teach deeply about God.

I am something between those two. I am deeply interested in how all of us can answer those questions.

After my own personal study, love to create things. So I take Christian spirituality, Church history, modern developmental frameworks (Erikson, Kohlberg, Spiral Dynamics), psychology, the Enneagram and really any other discipline to then pull them all together "under the headship of Christ" (Eph. 1:10) and create interesting things for you, your friend group or community.


What's My Background?
BA in Biblical Studies from Eastern UniversityMDiv from Palmer Theological SeminaryThM from Princeton Theological Seminary20 Years Experience in Paid MinistryCurrently Teach Christian Spirituality at the University LevelBeen Through Burnout and "Deconstruction" Myself, and Survived!

So What Do I Do?
Write Things (Blogs, Articles, Books)Record Podcasts (Check Out My Podcast, "Begin Again")Speak at Churches, Retreats and with Small GroupsHost In-Person Events/SeminarsCreate Online Resources Churched, UnChurched, and DeChurched People that Still Want to Learn About JesusReally, I Just Enjoy Reaching Way Back Into the Jesus Tradition to Say Something New. I Stand Upon the Tradition to Look Beyond the Conventional.